Our Company
MTC established with an objective of resourcing and make available the requirements of high quality, latest technology Educational, ICT and services to the growing market in bangladesh and abroad. The company has evolved itself over the years.
CF MTC adheres to international recognized standards. Employee welfare and safety is a primary concern in addition to the implementation of processes and procedures that enhance customer experiences through an Integrated Management System(IMS) . Continuous improvement is sought through the company's core values of Leadership & People Management, People Development and training are given a high priority and ongoing regular evaluation of performance reflects the importance of people's skills and knowledge.
Close interaction across all levels of the organizational hierarchy, complemented by continuous management training help sharpen skills and keep the company at the forefront of the industries served. Our highly trained and extremely dedicated professionals that currently make up the company include sales & promoting staff, engineers and technicians as well as logistics personnel. Diverse, yet integrated, the team ensures that our varied high-quality products are satisfactorily delivered to our clients in all our markets.
As a socially responsible organization, we participate in many related activities in close coordination with social development associations in the region. We are also firm advocates of environmental protection and recognize the urgency of safeguarding the planet’s resources for future generations.
Our understanding of the region and its sensitivities is strengthened by our backbone of business ethics. We have strengthened our leadership position in the region through innovative marketing strategies, sound partnerships and a high standard of ethics, well supported by a highly trained team, a reliable distribution system and professional after-sales service. We have the highest respect for human rights and do not engage in business with companies or organizations that do not share these values.